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Home » Twitter Ends Support for SMS 2FA: Here’s What You Need to Know

Twitter Ends Support for SMS 2FA: Here’s What You Need to Know

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Twitter has recently announced that March 15, 2022 is the last day for users to switch away from its SMS two-factor authentication (2FA) method. This change comes as part of the platform’s effort to improve user security and privacy. In this blog post, we will discuss why Twitter is making this change, how to switch to a more secure 2FA method, and what this means for Twitter users.

The Problem with SMS 2FA

SMS 2FA is a security feature that requires users to enter a code sent via SMS to their mobile phone in addition to their password to access their Twitter account. While this method can provide an additional layer of security, it is not foolproof. Hackers have been known to intercept SMS messages and gain access to user accounts, putting users’ personal information at risk. This is why Twitter is urging users to switch to a more secure 2FA method before the SMS 2FA option is discontinued.

How to Switch to a More Secure 2FA Method

Twitter recommends that users switch to a 2FA method that uses an authentication app, such as Google Authenticator or Authy. These apps generate a unique code that can be used to log in to a user’s Twitter account. The code is generated on the user’s device and does not rely on SMS messages, making it more secure than SMS 2FA. To switch to a more secure 2FA method, follow these steps:

  • Log in to your Twitter account and click on “More” in the menu on the left-hand side of the screen.
  • Select “Settings and privacy” and then click on “Security and account access.”
  • Click on “Two-factor authentication” and then select “Authentication app.”
  • Follow the instructions to set up the authentication app of your choice.

Once you have set up the authentication app, you can use it to log in to your Twitter account instead of relying on SMS 2FA.

What This Means for Twitter Users

Twitter’s decision to discontinue SMS 2FA underscores the platform’s commitment to improving user security and privacy. However, it also means that users who do not switch to a more secure 2FA method by March 15, 2022, will no longer be able to use SMS 2FA to access their accounts. This could be a problem for users who are not comfortable using an authentication app or who do not have access to a smartphone. In such cases, users may need to find an alternative 2FA method that works for them.

The Importance of Two-Factor Authentication

While switching to a more secure 2FA method may seem like a hassle, it is an important step to take to protect your Twitter account. Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security to your account, making it harder for hackers to gain access to your personal information. In addition to using 2FA, it is also important to use a strong and unique password and to enable other security features, such as login verification and password reset protection.


In conclusion, Twitter’s decision to discontinue SMS 2FA is a positive step toward improving user security and privacy. Users who have not yet switched to a more secure 2FA method are encouraged to do so before March 15, 2022. While this change may cause some inconvenience, it is an important step to take to protect your personal information. By using a more secure 2FA method and taking other security precautions, you can help keep your Twitter account safe from hackers and other online threats.