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OpenAI CEO confirms GPT-5 not in training plans

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OpenAI CEO Sam Altman has confirmed that the company is not currently training GPT-5 and “won’t for some time.” This statement has put to rest rumors circulating about the next iteration of OpenAI’s popular language model.

What is OpenAI and GPT-5?

OpenAI is an artificial intelligence research organization that seeks to promote and create human-friendly AI. One of its most important efforts is the creation of Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) models, which are among the most sophisticated language models accessible.

OpenAI was supposed to be working on GPT-5, the rumored successor to the GPT-3 model. Altman’s recent statement, on the other hand, confirms that GPT-5 is not currently in the company’s plans.

What did the OpenAI CEO say about GPT-5?

Altman made the statement in reaction to reports about the creation of GPT-5. Altman stated in a tweet, “We’re not training GPT-5 and won’t be for some time.” We have a lot of intriguing advancements with GPT-3 that we’re working on right now.”

According to Altman’s remark, OpenAI is now focusing on building and upgrading GPT-3, which has already been trained on massive amounts of data and can produce amazingly human-like language.

Why is the news significant?

The discovery that OpenAI is not actively working on GPT-5 is crucial since it puts to rest rumors and conjecture about OpenAI’s next language model iteration. Some are looking forward to the release of GPT-5 and its potential for even more advanced language generation capabilities.

Altman’s statement also implies that OpenAI is working to improve GPT-3, which could result in even more astounding language generating capabilities in the future.

What does the future hold for OpenAI and GPT models?

While Altman’s statement implies that GPT-5 is not currently in OpenAI’s plans, it does not rule out the possibility of the company developing another advanced language model in the future. OpenAI has been at the vanguard of language model development, continually pushing the frontiers of what AI-generated language is capable of.

It’s feasible that OpenAI may continue to improve and refine GPT-3, as well as construct another advanced language model in the future. However, Altman’s statement indicates that GPT-5 is not in OpenAI’s immediate future.


According to OpenAI CEO Sam Altman’s recent statement, the business is not actively teaching GPT-5 and “won’t for some time.” This news is crucial because it puts to rest rumors and conjecture concerning OpenAI’s language models’ future iteration. While the future of OpenAI and its language models is unknown, it is clear that the company will continue to push the boundaries of what is possible with AI-generated language.